Saturday, December 3, 2011

No Emoticons Needed

Last week I had a call from a friend. Didn't seem like much at at first until I chose to see beyond what should be a "normal" occurrence.

Truth be known we don't call people as much as we used to. Instead we text, we email, we share news to the masses on facebook, twitter & blogs. But every so often, a phone call happens. You pick up the phone and there it is. The voice of friend who loves you, cares for you & is wanting something more than words on a screen. In this case, my friend who called, had the need to hear my voice. To hear beyond what might be said & listen for the crack in the voice that means tears, the laughter that trumps every "lol or ha", the pause that conveys we are taking in what's being said. I know we live in media driven world, filled with gadgets designed to make our lives easier & more accessible. How ironic, that we think accessible means sitting for coffee with a friend while sending texts to our coworkers or in a meeting & on facebook simultaneously. This leaves us totally unaccessible to the moment we are actually in. But back to my call...

The call meant the world to me. Not just because of who was on the other end, although that was really, really awesome, but because "I NEEDED IT". You see, I was having a morning that difficult. I was deep in thought, overwhelmed with memories & in need of encouragement. Then I heard the buzzing of my phone. Not the single buzz that indicates a text or some other notification. It was the repeated buzz that meant someone was on the other end.

There it began, the sweetest, easiest, most encouraging conversation I'd had in a while. One that started with this phrase, " I was thinking of you. What's going on?"
There it began:
•a call that allowed me to say what was needed
•a friend who heard what I couldn't say
•an exchange of love between friends

iPhone to iPhone, no emoticons needed.

I challenge us all to take a moment and call someone this week. Not to change your cable service, order a pizza or give information. Call a friend, listen to their voice, encourage them, just talk. It just might be the one conversation in your week that doesn't require a "LOL, j/k, HA" or several faces, hearts, thumbs up symbols. Let your voice be your emoticon.

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